Thursday 31 January 2013

Good Riddance January Blues

All I've heard today is 'My God, where's January gone?' or 'Oh didn't January go quick!'; clearly I am on a completely different planet to everyone else, because I have never known such a long month. 

I hate January. Everything about it just winds me up: the fact Christmas is a whole year away, the fact I broke my New Year's resolutions within a matter of hours, the fact I have no money to spend in the sales because I spent so much at Christmas, the fact it's cold ... I could go on but I think you get my drift. 

Then I got annoyed with myself; I've just lost 31 days of my life that I'll never get back, and what do I have to show for it? Absolutely nothing. 

All I've done is feel sorry for myself and moan about how depressing January is. What was the point? I didn't achieve anything by giving in to those January blues; it didn't make January go any quicker. I was waiting for January to end, but now it has ended, there's nothing at the end worth waiting for. I'm in exactly the same position as I was on the 1st January. 

I seem to spend a significant amount of time waiting. Not day to day waiting, like waiting at traffic lights, waiting for Eastenders to start, or waiting in shop queues, but waiting for something to happen to me, something incredible, something exciting, under the disillusion 'good things come to those who wait'. I thought it was patience but let's be honest ... it's just laziness. 

So I've decided I'm starting 2013 again. Nothing comes to those who wait, you've got to get off your backside with a positive attitude, and start sorting your life out. No one's going to do it for you. 


  1. Well said! In the same way I might actually go to the gym in February, rather than simply considering it, as I did throughout January.

    1. I've done the exact same thing, there's always some reason why I can't go haha, it's my new New Month resolution ;)
