Monday 11 February 2013

Worthy Winners

I was so happy to hear some of my favourite artists cleared up at The Grammy Awards last night, most notably Mumford and Sons picking up album of the year with Babel

Their award was proudly presented by Adele, who looked beautiful following the birth of her baby last year; she also won best pop solo performance:

Mumford and Sons were justly nominated for six other awards, including best song written for visual imagery, best rock performance and best rock song, but the other award they received was for best long form music video: 

It makes me incredibly happy to see British acts doing so well in America; they are representative of the truly 'Great' British music scene. Both Mumford and Adele are raw talents; they play their own instruments, write their own songs and can only perform live, miming is against everything they stand for. They were humble and grateful for all their support last night, but they are deserving of all their achievements.

Now, I've watched the Brits every year for as long as I can remember and genuinely look forward to it, but after looking at some of the forthcoming nominations, I felt slightly let down by the abundance of pop. However, it was refreshing to see the likes of Nicki Minaj and One Direction to be completely snubbed from the nominations at The Grammys and great bands and real artists taking centre stage for once. 

Although British artists won a number of awards there was stiff competition from American artists and I was equally happy to see The Black Keys receiving four out of the six awards they were short listed for: best rock song, best rock performance, best rock album and lead singer David Auerbach received non-classical producer of the year. 

Good Luck to Mumford next week though, with two gongs under their belt, they would be worthy winners of the three Brits they are also nominated for. 

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