Wednesday 6 March 2013

Finally a reason to hate Bieber.

I've always felt bad for hating this guy. I mean I couldn't stand his music, and there was something about his smug little face, but I never felt I had a just reason to actually hate him as a person. Now however, the arrogance has burst through the mop of hair, which is now slickly greased into a quiff, and it's bubbling over for all to see.

Many of you will have heard of his latest antics; the Canadian child star was two hours late for his debut concert at the O2 earlier this week, causing tears among young, obsessed fans and anger from chaperoning parents. 

There are many rumours going round, several of which I don't doubt are exaggerated, but the basic gist of it was that he'd had a heavy night the night before, woke up late and hungover, then threw a strop to the effect of 'I'm the star, I'll go out when I want to' and stubbornly played video games in his room. Further to this, when he did eventually go out on stage, he spent less than 10 seconds with a competition winner, and refused to give her a hug because he 'didn't have time'. 

Safe to say, he may be 19 but he's still throwing his toys out of the pram. 

This kind of behaviour makes me sick. The reason he is where he is, is thanks to his fans and what's more, most of them are aged 12 and below; he's completely crushed their dreams. Obsessed fans are dangerous. One only needs to remember the calls The Samaritans received from distraught Take That fans struggling to deal with their break up. It sounds funny, but it's true. Bieber has the power to truly mess up young girls. 

When did he earn the rights to diva antics? I mean we all criticise divas like Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey, but at least they have the talent to justify their behaviour. It doesn't make it right but it does make it understandable. Bieber however is a pathetic little pip squeak whose been delicately placed in a pop bubble. There was no hard work involved to achieve all he has, everything has been handed to him on a fine china plate and he's now exploiting his career at  his fans expense.

To be fair, we shouldn't be surprised. It's the classic child star gone wrong scenario, their childhoods were stifled in favour of fame and now they're rebelling, pushing boundaries. Too much too young and in a few years time, he'll inevitably follow in the footsteps of the Lindsay Lohan and the Olsen twins, to the child star graveyard that is rehab. The glowing flame of boyish charm simply extinguished with a single gust of conceit. 

He will be the sole cause of his downfall. He couldn't ask for anything more, it's not like his career has started dwindling and he's giving up. He's simply choosing to prick his bubble. He doesn't want to be the squeaky clean boy next door any more and there are signs already: his drug use, the tragic failure of his acoustic album, his frequent twitter rants at fellow celebrities...

This is just the start. Prepare for the Bieber empire to crumble. He's not the first, and he certainly won't be the last corrupted child star to hit the headlines. 


  1. 'Pathetic little pip squeak' is bang on. They should have an idol more worthy; one that appreciates the fact they've all bought £70 tickets and traveled to see him.

  2. Tell me about it. Without them he'd be a nobody. He's supposed to be a role model as well, it's very worrying.
